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Sunday, February 5, 2017

Journaling: What is it Good For? Absolutely, Everything!!

Back at the beginning of the school year, I was happily browsing through bulletin board posts on Pinterest when all the sudden I came across a pin for something called a bullet journal. It was odd because I was not searching for planning or journaling ideas. I can only assume that it showed up as a near spelling to bulletin.

Intrigued, I clicked on the pin for bullet journaling and BAM!!! my mind was blown. Someone took a simple concept that has been around forever and marketed it in a way that appealed at an extremely large audience. A deeper search netted all kinds or artistic and colorful layouts, trackers and to do lists. Oh my! So many that I actually researched the darn thing for three months before I broke down and bought my first journal.

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Northbooks 5x8 Notebook | 96 Dot Grid Perforated Pages | Made in USA
So what is a "bullet journal". According to the creator, Ryder Carol, (

 "The Bullet Journal is a customizable and 
forgiving organization system. It can be 
your to-do list, sketchbook, notebook, and 
diary, but most likely, it will be all of the above. 
It will teach you to do more with less."

Ryder suggests that every bullet journal contain  at the very least, these items:
Some very basic elements of the bullet journal include:
          • Rapid Logging
          • Topics and Pages Numbers
          • Bullets
          • Tasks
          • Events
          • Notes
          • Signifiers
The bullet journal is designed to be flexible and to meet the needs of any lifestyle. Will the bullet journal of a college student look like the bullet journal of a Wall Street stock trader? Not necessarily, but the basics will be in both. The student might include course schedules and research paper outlines and deadlines. Whereas, the Wall Street stock trader might record market trends and future trading strategies. But they both will have Future, Monthly and Daily Logs with to-do lists and marks that indicate whether the task was done.

In future posts, I will go into greater detail about different spreads that can used in your bullet journal and how the bullet journal can be customized for teachers and students. These posts may be a lot more fancy then what you see on the Bullet Journal website. Keep in mind that fancy is an option not a requirement. If the idea of doodling on every page turns you off, then don't do it. If black and white appeals more to you then rainbow, then use the black and white. What I will be offering in future posts will be options for people that more then a basic bullet journal.

So, what did you first bullet journal look like? It was a mess. Several times I wanted to rip out pages and start over. But every time I had that feeling, I resisted, because the mistakes are part of the learning process of what was working for me and what was not. Now, when I want to change a layout or alter the types of spreads I use, I go back to those "failed" pages to remind myself of what worked in them, if anything, and what didn't.

For anyone interested in starting a bullet journal, I do not suggest going to Pinterest and searching "bullet journal". You will be overwhelmed quickly. What I do suggest is to visit Ryder's website ( and watch his video (

My last note before I send you on your own to discover and explore is try not to get wrapped up in the frilly and fancy. Find a good notebook, ANY notebook, and a good pen that you ENJOY using. A lot of the "suggested" notebooks are expensive ($20+) and do not last long for beginners. You can save a lot of money by purchasing a lined, spiral notebook to do your beginning journaling. Then after you are comfortable with what you want out of your journal, INVEST in a notebook that is better quality.

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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Re-Focusing on What Matters

I have gotten to a place in my life where I need to make a decision as to the type of change that is to come next. As part of that decision, I have concluded that my life and my career are in need of re-focusing. So, I will be using this blog as a tool toward that goal.

The original purpose of this blog was to assist teachers in deciding what the best technology equipment, apps and activities would work best in their classroom by providing in depth reviews, explanations and possible classroom uses. That purpose still exists. As teachers, though, we are more then just the technology we use and sometimes we need help in other areas of our teacher lives. I am learning that the hard way. And so, I will be using my experiences and my other gained knowledge to help teachers in a variety of areas.

Here are some of the topics I have planned for the foreseeable future:

* Bullet Journaling (especially for teachers)
* Doodle/Sketch Notes
* ZenTangles (to calm a teacher's soul)
* Blended Learning (it's not just about using computers)
* Lesson Planning
* Personalized Learning
* Project-Based Learning
* and more

I haven't decided how I will be doing these post just yet. SO, I need your help. I have posted a poll. Please answer the poll so I can plan based on my audiences's interests.