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Wednesday, February 1, 2017

Re-Focusing on What Matters

I have gotten to a place in my life where I need to make a decision as to the type of change that is to come next. As part of that decision, I have concluded that my life and my career are in need of re-focusing. So, I will be using this blog as a tool toward that goal.

The original purpose of this blog was to assist teachers in deciding what the best technology equipment, apps and activities would work best in their classroom by providing in depth reviews, explanations and possible classroom uses. That purpose still exists. As teachers, though, we are more then just the technology we use and sometimes we need help in other areas of our teacher lives. I am learning that the hard way. And so, I will be using my experiences and my other gained knowledge to help teachers in a variety of areas.

Here are some of the topics I have planned for the foreseeable future:

* Bullet Journaling (especially for teachers)
* Doodle/Sketch Notes
* ZenTangles (to calm a teacher's soul)
* Blended Learning (it's not just about using computers)
* Lesson Planning
* Personalized Learning
* Project-Based Learning
* and more

I haven't decided how I will be doing these post just yet. SO, I need your help. I have posted a poll. Please answer the poll so I can plan based on my audiences's interests.

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