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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

#EdTechTeacherChallenge - January 2020: Twitter, Day 8

Explore a hashtag

I mentioned the other day that hashtags are words or phrases preceded by a # that are used on social media to identify messages on specific topics. They can be literally anything but are meant to find information and discussions on certain topics more easily. Below are some popular education hashtags. Feel free to search any and all of them or search one of your own. Share with us what you discovered and how it can help your practice. Remember to use #EdTechTeacherChallenge #January 2020 and @MrsMathMagician. We look forward to learning from and collaborating with you.

Popular Education Hashtags

General Interest Education Hashtags

1) #EdChat
2) #EdLeaders
3) #Edu
4) #Education
5) #Educhat
6) #Parents
7) #Principals
8) #Student(s)
9) #Teacher(s)
10) #Superintendents

Instructional Practices

11) #BlendedLearning
12) #CompetencyEd (#CBE)
13) #Curriculum
14) #DeeperLearning
15) #DesignThinking
16) #FormativeAssessment
17) #FormativeChat
18) #HQPBL
19) #GrowthMindset
20) #MakerEd
21) #MasteryChat
22) #MasteryBased
23) #PBL
24) #PBLChat
25) #PersonalizedLearning
26) #PlaceBasedEd
27) #PLearning
28) #ProjectBased

School Design

29) #ClassroomDesign
30) #CharterSchools
31) #CommunityEngagement
32) #LearnerExperience
33) #Makerspace
34) #Montessori
35) #PublicSchools
36) #SchoolCulture
37) #StudentCentered
38) #StudentChoice
39) #StudentEngagement
40) #StudentLed
41) #StudentVoice

21st-Century Skills

42) #21stCenturySkills
43) #21stedchat
44) #DigitalCitizenship
45) #GlobalEd
46) #GlobalEdChat
47) #GrowthMindset
48) #SEL
49) #SmartPlanet


50) #DigLN
51) #EdApp
52) #EdData
53) #EdTech
54) #EdTechChat
55) #EduVC
56) #ELearning

Equality in Education

57) #AchievementGap
58) #EdGap
59) #EdEquity
60) #Educolor
61) #ELLs

Subject Areas

62) #ArtsEd (Art)
63) #CompSci
64) #Coding
65) #CTE
66) #engchat (English)
67) #historyteacher
68) #Langchat (Foreign Language)
69) #Literacy
70) #Math
71) #Mathchat
72) #MusEdchat (Music)
73) #PhysEd
74) #SocialStudies
75) #SSchat (Social Studies)
76) #Scichat (Science)
77) #STEM
78) #STEMchat

Networking and PD

79) #CollaborativePD
80) #LifelongLearning
81) #NTChat (New Teacher Chat)
82) #OnlineLearning
83) #PersonalizedPD
84) #PLN
85) #ProfDev
86) #PTChat (Parent/Teacher)
87) #TeacherPD
88) #TLChat

Education Policy

89) #CCChat (Common Core Chat)
90) #CCSS (Common Core State Standards)
91) #CommonCore
92) #EdPolicy
93) #EdReform
94) #ESSA

Grade Level

95) #EarlyEd
96) #ElemSchool
97) #HigherEd
98) #HighSchool
99) #K12
100) #MiddleSchool
101) #PreSchool

Other Hastags


I will add to this list as I find more, but I think this is a great kick off point. Happy hashtagging!!

(Top 101 taken from the following websites:

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