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Wednesday, January 1, 2020

The #EdTechTeacherChallenge

Every year, I post about how I am going to do big, grandiose things that I do might actually get done, but never share. This year, I'm planning another huge endeavor, but this time, with your help, I'm hoping to make it a monthly/yearly thing.

My plan this year is to help all those teachers who love the idea of using technology but are afraid, unsure or (perceived to be) ill-equipped to do so. The idea is to take those monthly challenge lists that everyone seems to love, pick one EdTech edtech topic as a monthly focus and create small, manageable daily tasks that everyone can do in their own time at their own pace. Sounds too simple. But believe me, you will be an edtech champion even if you only complete one monthly challenge.

This month's topic is Twitter. Out of all the things I could have chose, I felt Twitter is the least intimidating and easiest to jump start with. Twitter is a social media platform where you get 280 characters to say what's on your mind. You can also add images, gifs, and polls. If you are not on Twitter, here is your opportunity to get your feet wet. If you are on Twitter, but don't use it much, this is the time to delve deeper into what Twitter has to offer.

The image below breaks down the Twitter topic into daily tasks for you to explore and engage with. You can choose to do all or some. Each day I will post a quick explanation of why I chose the task given. If you would like to participate, please use the hashtag #EdTechTeacherChallenge so that we can see your progress and be your cheerleader. You can also tag me (@mrsmathmagician) and I will get notification of your posts.

Good luck! Have fun! I look forward to seeing you along this journey!

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