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Wednesday, January 8, 2020

#EdTechTeacherChallenge - January 2020: Twitter, Day 7

Follow 5 people on Twitter

Twitter is no fun without other people. Following others and others following you is one of the big draws to Twitter. Why? Notoriety or infamy. Take your pick. But for us, it's less about how many people follow us and more about who can we connect with to improve our practice and share best practices.

For today's challenge, find 5 people or organizations to follow. You can start with me @MrsMathMagician! 😁Who else should you follow? If you have any other teacher friends on Twitter, follow them. You might actually be surprised how many of these friends you have already enjoying the professional development and collaboration opportunities that Twitter can offer. Then follow your school, your district, your tech department, your principal, your superintendent, your Senators, your Representatives, your Governor, your Mayor, organizations like Edutopia, Common Sense Education, list can go on and on. Before you know it, you will be following way more than 5 people and soon you will start having plenty of your own followers.

So, don't be shy! Find your favorite people and organizations and follow them. Your feed will soon be filled with invaluable information and discussions. Happy Tweeting!!

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