JavaScript SDK

Sunday, August 16, 2020

#EdTechTeacherChallenge August 2020: Bitmoji Classroom, Day 11


It's Day 11 #EdTechTeacherChallenge August 2020 Bitmoji Classroom. Today, you get to make your room completely your own by adding those little details like you would to your normal classroom. Will you have the coffee mug that sits on your desk, curtains framing your IWB, a rug on the floor, your favorite books on the book shelf? Whatever you choose, remember that you are looking to add character not clutter. Practice the features we've learned over the past few days: copy, paste, crop, resize, reposition. The last thing I do once I have everything set the way I want it is to select the the entire workspace by clicking and dragging my cursor from the upper left corner to the bottom right corner. Then I click Arrange -> Group. This is your template and want to avoid moving elements without meaning to. Grouping everything together helps with this.

Here is the first finish piece of my virtual classroom and the associated Banner template adjustments.

Virtual Classroom w/ Personalized Elements

Banner w/ Personalized Elements

Over the next couple days, we will be finishing the other areas of your classroom. Once these areas are done, we can start working on putting them together and making them interactive.

Have fun,  be creative. Share with me your progress and questions in the comments below. Also be sure to share with me @mrsmathmagician on social media and use the hashtag #EdTechTeacherChallenge. 

Peace, Love and Happiness Always!

Bitmoji Image

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